Here we are in Maine having dinner at the Jordan Pond House, with the beautiful Jordan Pond and Bubble Mountains in the background. What you don't know in looking in the picture is that 1) we got lost in finding it (yes I, Jen, have been to this place every summer of my life); 2) it was starting to get cold and windy as we finished our meal; 3) having biked several hours already, Ben was beginning to find the adventure "not so much fun anymore" and was starting to melt-down; and, 4) we only had 45 minutes to get back to our car before sunset (at least a 45 minute bike ride, esp. with young kids and a huge uphill ahead of us). All this to say that pictures can be deceiving. Keep this in mind as you see our pictures and read our posts in the future.
We leave for Peru on Wednesday and are very excited about the adventure that lies ahead. We are eager to return to
Cusco. We thank God for this opportunity.