The next day was Ben's 5th birthday, which we celebrated in fine fashion with a slumber party with his friends that included pizza, cake, ice cream, and a showing of "Peter Pan" in Spanish, which we did primarily for Farik (the little 4-year old boy who comes most days with his mom who helps in our home). He speaks no English. We had a blast!
Monday, October 27, 2008
"Poverty Parenting," Ice Cream and Ben's 5th Birthday
The next day was Ben's 5th birthday, which we celebrated in fine fashion with a slumber party with his friends that included pizza, cake, ice cream, and a showing of "Peter Pan" in Spanish, which we did primarily for Farik (the little 4-year old boy who comes most days with his mom who helps in our home). He speaks no English. We had a blast!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Clean Water Anytime and "No Lettuce Please"
Thursday, October 9, 2008
First Week in Cusco
Hi Everyone! Greetings from Cusco. We are feeling settled here, thankfully. The transition has been fairly smooth, particularly, we think, because we were here last summer for a month, both in this city and home. So we all knew what to expect of our surroundings. It's a great place.
Here are a few highlights from our first week:
1.) Tim has developed a passion for Monopoly. We ended up buying the game in the “mercado” (market) on Saturday (in Spanish, mind you) and he will often choose to play by himself, against himself, if he can’t find a willing opponent. “I won!” we will hear him yell from the other room.
2.) On Sunday we attended church with our special friends from last year, the Allens. They are missionaries through MTW (“Mission to the World”) and Bill Allen is a doctor who has established a clinic to treat the poor on the outskirts of Cusco. We’ll probably mention this family a lot, as they are amazing. This is a picture of Tim and Ben with their three girls, Noelle, Sarah, and Kate (recently adopted).
3.) The woman who helps take care of our home, Lupe, will be bringing her little boy, Farik, with her every afternoon. He’s adorable and he and Ben have hit it off (both 4, going on 5). This is a picture of them coloring together.
More posts to come later....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Airport Fun

Well, we're in Peru after our overnight flight, though we missed our connection to Cusco and are spending several hours in the Lima airport today. Not the seamless arrival for which we hoped. Oh well. I wouldn't say any of us are at the "top of our game" (whatever that is) after our long, delayed flight last night, but it is good to be here.
Rick and I have both had the experience already when we started talking to someone in Spanish, they cringed and started speaking back to us in English, so clearly we have a ways to go in our linguistic ability. Here's a picture of the boys playing cards in the airport terminal. Think we "Gringos" stand out a bit here? Greetings to all from Peru!