Hi Everyone! Just some random updates...
The Boys' School: Promesa
The boys are attending a bilingual, Christian school here. They love it. Ben is going 5 days a week and Tim is going for 3 (the other 2 we're home-schooling him -- come December, when the academic year ends here, they will both be home). The picture above is of them playing soccer, which they do every day. They are two of the only non-Peruvian, English speakers, so they are learning a lot of Spanish. Ben actually hasn't figured out that most people don't understand him and just talks to them in English. He has two close friends there, Reynaldo and Sofia, and the three of them play together constantly (photo below). It's really cute. Tim has learned the expression "no entiendo" ("I don't understand") and tells us he has to use it frequently. He has also explained that he never gets in trouble in class because he can't speak the language. That's good...I guess. Anyway, they are both enjoying school and making a lot of friends.
Our Neighbors:There is a cute, older couple who live in the home across the street (or passage, as they call it here, since it's a sidewalk that separates us). They are probably in their 80's. The husband wears a three piece suit all day, and on days when the sun is out he sits on a chair outside their house or walks up and down the sidewalk. He cannot see or hear very well, so when we greet him, we need to get up very close and speak loudly. Ben blows them kisses every time we see them, which I guess translates in every language. Last week the woman dropped off some sort of fruit (???still not sure what it was) from a tree outside their house. Tim and I went to the market later that day and got them breakfast rolls and fruit for the next morning. Two days later, on Saturday, our doorbell rang at 6:30am (thankfully we're early risers!), and our neighbor was at our door with some pears in juice and some yummy bread. So, now we're in an all out "I can't understand what you're saying, but I'm going to try to give you lots of great treats and show you what a nice neighbor I am" exchange.
Adoption Update:For those of you who are interested in an update about our adoption, we are in the final stages of having our dossier approved. This means that our agency in the States and MIMDES, the government agency here in Peru that oversees adoptions, will begin to look for a "match" for us. This can often take several months, but we feel encouraged that we're getting closer. The process has been long and tedious at times, but we trust that God has the whole thing figured out already, so we are not getting stressed about the details or timing. We talk and pray about the little girl or sibling pair that will one day be part of our family. We're all really excited.
Zucchini Bread:
Lastly, Ben and I were very proud of our first baking effort in Peru: zucchini bread. It was no small thing given that 1) the oven doesn't have a thermometer or any way to gauge the temperature; 2) when we went to the store, I didn't know the names of many of the ingredients in Spanish; 3) all measurements are different here; 4) we have no measuring cups or spoons anyway, and, 5) the high altitude totally throws baking off. Oh the adventures of living -- and baking! -- abroad.

(Tim and Ben helping Lupe clean the patio)

(Tim is learning to play the violin.)