We’re currently sitting in the corner of a cafĂ© in Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam (aka Saigon) enjoying a great Internet connection. We look
obnoxious with our computers, but oh well, it’s our first time on-line in weeks:
I am pretty sure that you’d rather hear from Rick about our
visits to China and Vietnam, given all of the research he has done for his
classes and, more generally, his knowledge of these two countries. However, I
will write first and let him add to this. Feel free to scroll right down
directly to his comments. :)
- Vietnam is absolutely wonderful, so vibrant and
lively. The economy here has been growing at an average annual rate of 6.5% for
three consecutive decades and it shows.
- Olivia, I have been thinking of you very much!
- We arrived in Ho Chi Minh four days ago and
spent the first afternoon walking and exploring the area in the vicinity of the
ship. That night we took off for a two-day exploratory trip to Nha Trang, a
coastal city further north that is a popular destination among the Vietnamese.
We went with a group of SAS students from the ship and had the opportunity to
do some snorkeling and to visit a local orphanage run by Vietnamese Buddhist
nuns where we helped paint a building with them and the children for whom they
care. Here are a few pictures of our
time there:

- We are visiting Vietnam during Tet, which is the
lunar New Year and by far the most festive time of the year here. It is like a
combination of all our biggest holidays – Christmas, New Year’s Eve,
Thanksgiving, Halloween, the Fourth of July, etc. – wrapped into one holiday.
Most of the people take a week vacation and go to their homes in the villages,
so the cities are not as busy or crowded as usual. It is a fun time to be here with
all of the lights and festivities.
- Prior to our time here, we heard the Vietnamese
people described as “the hardest workers in the world”. We have seen this to be
the case, and we also find them incredibly spirited and fun-loving. Many years
ago, one of our favorite UR students told us that he likes to “work hard and
play hard”. This seems to be the general motto of the Vietnamese people.
- If you have the time and interest in learning more about these countries, please do
scroll down and read Rick’s description of Vietnam and China. He presented to
the entire shipboard community on the Vietnam war prior to our arrival and did
a lot of research in addition to his background knowledge. He did an excellent
job. Hopefully we can upload his presentation to the end of this blog entry. I
will just add my few thoughts after our time here: 1) war is awful and should
be avoided at all costs; and 2) the similarities between people around the
world far outweigh the differences. It’s too bad we can’t focus on this more.
We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to China,
starting in Shanghai and making our way to Beijing, the Great Wall, and then
down to Hong Kong. It was incredibly eye opening for us. We learned a great
deal about the history, culture, and people of China, and, as often happens
when traveling, found that many of our preconceived notions were incorrect or
exaggerated. Here are some pictures from our visit:
Tiananmen Square
The Forbidden City
The Great Wall
Power Pose at the Lama Temple
Temple of Heaven with
our wonderful trip guide, Lillian
- As a quick aside, they just built a sports court
on the ship and it is a huge hit already with all of the students and children.
Here is a picture of Tim and Ben playing volleyball with two students the other
China and Vietnam (from Rick)
China’s economy is set to surpass the
economy of the U.S. in total size (not per capita) in the next ten years or so.
It shows. The nice parts of the Chinese cities we visited were the equal of
many affluent areas in Europe, Australia, and the U.S. The country’s airports
and infrastructure (i.e., public transportation) are modern, clean, efficient
and easy to use. China has to confront major pollution and other environmental
problems associated with rapid economic development. Yet if the last several
decades of accomplishments are any guide, China will likely find ways to
improve its environment, reduce corruption, and provide a better-and-better
standard of living for its citizens. The country is still run by one-party rule
-- the Communists -- without elections or free speech, which leaves human
rights advocates (and my students and Jen and I) wondering how long this can
last before the country’s middle-class demands more say and increased freedom
of expression. Nevertheless, China serves as an interesting counter-example to
what the U.S. urges, that developing countries pursue free elections and
political liberties. The standard thinking is that free, multi-party elections
will lead to responsive and accountable governments that attend to the needs
and wants of the majority of a country’s population, all leading to a big
middle-class. Yet lots of countries, like Haiti, have repeated (sham) elections
won by politicians who simply become corrupt and rob their countries (and who
often stay in office for decades thereafter). So China is fascinating to study
for many reasons, including how powerful it is becoming in international
Vietnam is similar to China in that it still
has a Communist regime, but the economy is very capitalistic. It has been this
way since the mid-1980s after it followed China’s lead in moving away from
traditional socialism. Vietnam seems even more aggressively capitalistic than
China. Two-thirds of the country’s current population has been born after 1975,
so the “American War” as they refer to it here is something many Vietnamese
never think about anymore. They’re too busy starting businesses and behaving
entrepreneurially. Three decades ago, 75% of the population lived in poverty
and Vietnam was one of the poorest countries in the world. Today less than 20%
live in poverty. Mopeds and motorcycles are everywhere and the tourism business
is growing exponentially. The weather and natural beauty of the country attract
many tourists who find that their money still goes further here than back home.
We hope to return here someday.