It seems that whenever we go to the main square in Cusco, La Plaza de Armas, the roads are blocked off and there is a parade or protest of some sort -- either large, with lots of different groups, or just one group -- marching with drums, trumpets, and other instruments, banners, and a lot of enthusiastic participants. This is a picture of Rick, Tim, and Ben watching a parade last month.
And fireworks are not only part of these parades (we still jump out of our skin whenever they go off), but are part of everyday life here. People set off fireworks at any time of day or night. We even joined in on the fun on Christmas Eve, when I think our elderly neighbors (85+) were out before us setting some off, too.
Below are a few pictures from the orphanage we visited last month, La Arca. They have since moved from this house, pictured below, which they had outgrown, into a temporary facility much closer to us (20 minute combi ride as opposed to an hour). So we are excited by the opportunity to visit them weekly as a family and especially to get to know the children. Our boys hit it off with them and can't wait to play "futbol" and hide-and-go seek on a regular basis.