You may be aware of micro-credit financing, a world-wide phenomenon that is a popular and effective link between the developed and developing worlds. The concept behind micro-credit financing is that those of us with resources can loan money to people without them, interest-free, to help them start their small businesses. We are able to give these people an opportunity they otherwise would not have; they pay back the loan and are on their way. Two well known models are the Grameen Bank (
http://grameen-info.org/) and KIVA (
We would like to try this on a small, personal scale. We personally know a lot of hard-working Peruvians who would benefit greatly from this model.
If you are interested in being part of this, we are setting up a separate blog with more information:
http://cuscogracias.blogspot.com/. Obviously no pressure whatsoever to read it, much less to make a loan.
Rick and Jen