Friday, January 1, 2016

"Code Words" for Group Travel and "Watching with Glittering Eyes"

Why Pictures Can Be Misleading (see below)
Rick and I started using some some "code words/quotes" when we were young in our marriage that were helpful as we started living (and traveling) together. We still use them  and have added a few, so our children are familiar with them. We are trying to repeat them even more now as we prepare for 1) tight quarters, and 2) LOTS of family time in the coming months. Here are some:

1)  "My fuel light is on" -- when you are hungry and REALLY grumpy and need some extra space and grace until you get food; happens in everyday life, but especially when you travel.

2) "I'm in Transition Mode" = "I'm really distracted." (i.e. we're catching a train, leaving a hotel, going through airport security/customs, etc.) 

3) "Blessed Family Happiness" -- those moments when everyone is falling apart and you need to step back, realize the absurdity of what is causing the meltdown(s), and have a good laugh together.

4) "Choose to be kind." No explanation necessary, but something each of us -- at least in our family-- could do a little better some days. (Or for those Cinderella fans out there, Bill Pilc, "Have courage and be kind.")

So while the photos (like the one above) and stories we share on this blog in the coming months will surely not be of our "meltdown" moments, they will inevitably happen. But hopefully as we travel, more often than not, we will all be watching with "glittering eyes":